
Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

Contact number:



Mangystau region, Aktau, 3Б md., 11 bld. 

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Mangystau Polytechnic College of the Municipal Institution of the State Treasury of the Mangistau Regional Department of Education named after H. Uzbekgaliev

School of a young teacher

Rules of the school” young teacher"


1. Basic Rules 

  1. The rules are developed in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on education", the rules for organizing and implementing educational and methodological work (order of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2007 No. 583), and also determine the activities and organization of the school" Zhas teacher".
  2. The school "Zhas teacher" is a component of the system of professional development of teachers at the college. The purpose of the work of the school" Zhas teacher " is to organize pedagogical mentoring, assist teachers in preparing and conducting training sessions, developing educational and methodological materials and extracurricular activities. 


  • development of professional competencies of a young teacher;
  • speed up the process of adaptation of young teachers to teaching activities in college;
  • creating conditions for professional self-improvement: improving the scientific and methodological level, improving pedagogical skills;
  • creating a system of professional formation of young teachers;
  • support for professional growth and personal development of young teachers in the conditions of high school;
  • ensuring productive interaction in joint pedagogical activities of experienced and young teachers;
  • Familiarization with trends in the development of higher professional education in Kazakhstan and abroad, legal and regulatory foundations of the educational system;
  • development and updating of knowledge in the innovative area of higher professional education;
  • providing young teachers with vet to instill practical skills in teaching activities, create conditions for mastering traditional and new pedagogical technologies;
  • popularization (promotion) of pedagogical skills of experienced teachers);
  • identification of professional and methodological problems in the educational process, assistance to young teachers in solving them. 

2. areas of work 

  1. Organization of work of young specialists to improve the content, form, methods and means of training.
  2. Analysis of open lessons as a form of transfer of experience of supervised mentors to young teachers.
  3. Providing assistance in the development of educational programs, educational and methodological complexes of the discipline.
  4. Assistance to young teachers in introducing new pedagogical technologies and modern approaches to the educational process.
  5. Organization and implementation of scientific and methodological work on the problems of modern education.
  6. Conducting methodological seminars, master classes, exhibitions, conferences.
  7. Purposeful mutual participation in training sessions, analysis of the results.
  8. Presentation and presentation of the experience of working in open classes in connection with practice.
  9. Familiarization and study of new methodological literature.
  10. Individual and group consultations with a methodologist. 

3. Organization of work 

  1. The school "Zhas teacher" consists of young teachers (with work experience of up to 5 years), their mentors, chairmen and chairmen of the subject Association Commission.
  2. The school "Zhas pedagogue" is headed by a methodologist of the college.
  3. To coordinate the work of the school and maintain documentation, a deputy head and Secretary are appointed from mentors and students of the school.
  4. Classes at the school" Zhas teacher " are held every two months.
  5. Forms of the lesson:
  6. theoretical seminars;
  7. instructional and methodological meetings;
  8. workshops, master classes, trainings;
  9. round table discussion;
  10. open lessons;
  11. individual consultation. 

Control over the activities of the school" Zhas teacher " is carried out by the methodological Council of the college. 

4. Rights and obligations 

Rights of students of the school" Zhas teacher":

  • getting assistance from specialists in teaching the discipline;
  • get individual advice and assistance on the issues needed in teaching;
  • making proposals to the work plan for improving the school's activities;

Responsibilities of students of the school" Zhas teacher": 

  • regular attendance of school classes;
  • implementation of the individual work plan of the school. 

Duties of mentors of the school" Zhas teacher": 

  • providing assistance in drawing up educational programs and educational and methodological complexes of the discipline;
  • assistance in preparing for classroom and research practical classes;
  • participation in classes of young teachers and analysis of their conduct; assistance in self-education of a young teacher. 

6 April 2021

Rules of the school” young teacher"

  1. Basic Rules  The rules are developed in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan" on education", the rules for organizing and implementing educational and methodological work (order of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29,...

6 April 2021

School” young teacher"

  Memo to a young specialist  Come to the office early from the call and make sure that everything is ready for the lesson, The Blackboard is clean, the UMK, visual aids are ready. Ask students to greet you in an organized manner (standing up). The students in the classroom, especially...

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Шолтанова Зарипа Есенбаевна

Head of the College 

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